
A timeless medicine to connect with each other.

Gathering in circle has happened since the beginning of times and is an ancient & powerful practice that tends to the collective and heals the collective wound of separation between me & others (othering).

Circles are safer spaces where we can practice relating in healthier ways and witnessing & supporting each other in the process. All ethnicities, all genders, all ages, all Bodies. Brave spaces where we can come together, hold ourselves & each other in our humanity, with our differences & similarities & the comfort/discomfort that this entails; where we can learn & practice sharing & listening heart-fully and relating responsibly with each other while being grounded in our own Selves.



Held weekly with the intention of building community through activities that create meaningful (healing) experiences, sharing & connection.

Kirtan, Family Constellations, Authentic movement, storytelling, movie nights, sound/music and more.

Vitis UPCOMING EVENTS to find out circles coming up.



A sacred space to connect within, without & with each other through ritual & ceremony, conscious sharing & witnessing.

Guided by the spirit of Cacao and supported by conscious breathing & self inquiry. Held on the Sunday closest to the Solstices, Equinoxes & Cross-Quarters, with the intention of developing conscious awareness of the cyclical nature of life that takes place within and without us. Visit Upcoming events.


collective healing lab

A space for research and co-creation.

To create new and healthy ways of relating and coming together, we need experimentation.

We invite those who are eager to explore ways in which we can (learn to) relate consciously, creating space for our differences & similarities, to co-create healthy relational spaces with those who are longing for community and eager to birth a more meaningful, joyful, inclusive, responsible, and just world.

If you have an idea to build community and heal individually & collectively across generations, cultures, genders, and abilities contact usLet’s co-create!


Community of Practice

·      Sacred Space

·      Confidentiality

·      Silence is welcomed

·      Everything is optional

·      Speak from your own experience/truth (I)

·      Listen to Understand (vs right, wrong, good, bad, true, false, …)

·      Willingness to do things differently & expect discomfort if it emerges (part t of transformation)

·      Accept/Expect non-closure

·      Be aware of points of privilege & oppression

·      Safer/Brave space